The Pros and Cons of Clear Dental Aligners Versus Traditional Braces

Has your dentist in Centerville, OH recommended you get braces? If so, you are probably trying to decide whether to get clear dental aligners or traditional braces. So let’s talk about the pros and cons of clear dental aligners and the pros and cons of traditional braces.

The Pros and Cons of Clear Dental Aligners Versus Traditional Braces

Here are the pros and cons of using dental aligners and traditional braces in Beavercreek, OH. This information will help you make an informed decision about which one is right for you.

The Pros and Cons of Clear Dental Aligners


  • Nearly invisible appearance.
  • More comfortable than traditional braces.
  • It is easier to brush and floss.
  • They can be removed while eating, so you don’t have to worry about which foods to avoid.
  • Fewer visits to the orthodontist.


  • They must be removed while eating to avoid damaging them.
  • Some drinks will stain your aligners and hot drinks can damage them as well.
  • Not recommended for complex corrections. Recommended for people who only need minor dental adjustments.
  • Requires self-control because they must be worn at least 20-22 hours each day (even while sleeping). If you don’t have enough self-control to wear your clear dental aligners for the allotted amount of time each day, then these are probably not for you.

The Pros and Cons of Traditional Braces


  • They work great for correcting complex dental issues because they are more powerful than clear dental aligners.
  • Metal braces come with multiple options from which you can choose. For example, traditional braces can be placed on the front of your teeth on the back of your teeth (lingual braces), or you can opt for ceramic braces, which present a more discreet appearance.
  • No self-control is needed because they can’t be removed.
  • They don’t stain and you can drink any type of drink with traditional braces because they won’t stain and can’t be damaged by heat.


  • More uncomfortable than clear aligners.
  • Can’t eat sticky foods, hard foods, popcorn, etc., because the food will get stuck in or could damage the brackets and wires.
  • Not as cosmetically appealing because they are not clear.
  • Requires more orthodontist visits than aligners.
  • After wearing traditional braces for an average of two years, many people experience tooth discoloration where the appliances were placed. However, a whitening treatment can easily fix this issue.

What’s Next?

If you need a dentist in Centerville, OH, a dentist in Beavercreek, OH, or any of the surrounding areas, please Contact Bellbrook Family Dentistry today. We work to provide you with customized care and the highest standards possible. Our team is exceptional, and our office is warm and relaxing, making it a pleasant place to visit.

How to Deal With Getting Adult Braces

If you live in Centerville, OH or Beavercreek, OH, adult braces are available to help improve your smile. Of course, adult braces can be just as challenging to wear as teenage braces. You may have a feeling of looking different or having other people notice your braces and not your smile. If you’re a professional, you may even feel like people won’t take you seriously if you are wearing adult braces. While that’s not the case, the feelings are real and shouldn’t be ignored. Here are some helpful tips on how to deal with getting adult braces.

Consider Invisible Braces

Nowadays, you have more options when it comes to adult braces. You and your dentist can decide what’s right for you, but you may want to consider invisible braces. These kinds of braces are very low-profile and hardly noticeable, even close up. If your work means being in the public eye, you may find yourself feeling more comfortable wearing invisible braces than metal braces.

Be Prepared to Change Your Eating Habits

No matter what kind of braces you decide upon, you may need to alter your eating habits. For at least a little while, you may have to give up chewing gum or eating certain things like fried chicken (because the batter might be too hard), hard candy and similar items. Don’t worry, though. It’s all temporary, and you’ll be able to resume your regular diet after your braces come off.

Tell Co-Workers Ahead of Time

If you’re self-conscious, consider mentioning to your co-workers ahead of time that you’ll be getting adult braces. This way, you won’t get that startled look the first day back in the office with braces. In fact, you’ll probably find that most people are very supportive. You may even find that co-workers are asking you for advice about whether they should get adult braces!

Get Excited

Your adult braces are just a small step on the way to a more beautiful smile. Look forward to the unveiling; the day you get your adult braces removed and can enjoy the rest of your life with perfectly aligned teeth.

Getting adult braces may be the best decision you’ve ever made about your teeth. Contact us now for a consultation to discuss your options!

How Do You Know If Your Child Needs Braces?

About four million children in the U.S. wear braces, and the likelihood of children needing braces as their permanent teeth grow is relatively high. However, not all kids will have to have braces even though many parents assume their child will need them. Here is a look at a few general signs your child may eventually need braces.

Your child was a thumbsucker or used a pacifier for several years.

Thumbsucking and pacifiers are natural comforts for babies, but if your child uses these comfort measures beyond the age when their baby teeth have grown in, there can be a higher likelihood that they will eventually need braces. The continued pressure against the teeth can cause them to grow in at an outward slant.

Your child lost their baby teeth later in life than most children.

Children who lose their baby teeth a little later than most ca be more likely to need braces as well. The baby teeth can alter the growth path of the permanent tooth if it stays in place too long. Most children will start losing their baby teeth around the age of six years old. While the exact timing can vary depending on the child’s physiological development, prolonged tooth loss can cause future issues.

Your child’s teeth do not “meet” when they close their mouth.

If your child already has all of their permanent teeth in place, take a look at how their bite aligns when they close their mouth. If there is a slight under or overbite, the child may not necessarily have to get braces. However, if the difference in bite is pretty drastic, your child may need braces to correct the issue.

Your child has unevenly spaced teeth with gaps between or crowding.

One of the more obvious and definitive signs a child needs braces is if there are spaces and gaps between teeth or issues with crowding. Gaps can develop due to irregularities in the growth paths of permanent teeth. Crowding may occur due to genetics or due to slow or delayed loss of baby teeth.

Talk to a BellBrook Dentist About Braces 

Learning that your child needs braces can be a little intimidating, but the process is so routine and so carefully honed that most children do just fine with the process. If you believe your child needs braces, reach out to us at Bellbrook Family Dental to schedule an appointment.

Am I Too Old For Braces?

Ideally, the human teeth line up like the piano keys. However, many people have to contend with crowded smiles, poorly-aligned bites, and crooked teeth. These dental problems result in more than cosmetic concerns. For example, crowded or overlapping teeth will make it hard for you to clean, making you prone to tooth decay and gum disease. If the teeth do no come together properly after closing the jaws, you may experience problems when chewing and swallowing. Poor alignment can also make it difficult for you to pronounce some sounds and put excessive stress on chewing muscles, leading to facial pain.

It’s Never too Late for Braces

Although the best time for making changes in the positioning of the teeth is during childhood, many adults are seeking orthodontic treatment and getting excellent results. Nowadays, a significant percentage of people going for the procedure are over 18 years old. The process may take longer for older people than for a child. Traditionally, braces were popular among middle and high school students. Many adults are now wearing braces as the oral devices can be Invisalign or other low-profile options that are unnoticeable. Why do older people need braces?

Studies have shown that a significant percentage of adults who buy braces had them when they were younger. Also, millions of people around the world are receiving a form of orthodontic treatment at any given time, including various types of braces. Why do many people get the devices again? Some of the possible reasons are failure to wear retainers or stopping wearing them at some point.

How Do Braces Work?

The science of orthodontics involves putting pressure on the teeth to change their position. Experts attach the devices to the teeth gently, pushing them in the desired alignment.

Do Teeth Shift in Adults?

Yes. Several factors can cause this problem. First, the lower jaw width tends to shrink as you get older. This leads to more crowding of the lower front teeth over time. This dental issues could also cause teeth to grind as you chew. The process causes tooth wear in the long run and damage to oral tissues. As a result, you will have shorter teeth and eventually, facial changes.

There’s no reason to think you can’t correct badly aligned teeth as an adult. Contact your dentist today to discuss your adult braces options.